Physics News

Mar 14, 2022, 3:12 PM
The first cohort of 10 graduate student fellows under the Department of Energy funded HEPCAT program has been selected. Among them are UC Davis Physics graduate students Joseph Levine and Blanca Nino.
Mar 10, 2022, 4:40 PM
Shirley Chiang has been elected as Vice Chair, to-be Chair of the Executive Committee of the APS Division of Condensed Matter Physics.
Feb 24, 2022, 10:50 AM
UC Davis Distinguished Professor of Physics Tony Tyson has been honored with an asteroid!
Feb 17, 2022, 4:30 PM
The Curro and Taufour groups published their collaborative work in the iron-based superconductor FeSe recently.
Feb 16, 2022, 3:48 PM
New work on the study of collective behavior builds on earlier work by Professor James Crutchfield, UC Davis Department of Physics and Complexity Sciences Center, and postdoctoral researcher Ryan…
Feb 1, 2022, 3:29 PM
Jaroslav Trnka was selected as one of this year's twelve Chancellor's Fellows.
Jan 28, 2022, 5:52 PM
Congratulations to Richard Scalettar whose theory paper was recently published in Science.
Jan 28, 2022, 5:45 PM
Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Jack Gunion on this great honor of being elected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Dec 17, 2021, 11:28 AM
Professor Maruša Bradač was featured on NPR regarding the James Webb Space Telescope.
Nov 24, 2021, 11:09 AM
Peter Klavins ... a research specialist in the Department of Physics and Astronomy ... oversaw construction of a helium recovery system in the Physics Building to capture and recycle approximately 90%…
Nov 17, 2021, 1:33 PM
The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded $3.7 million to a consortium led by the University of California, Davis, to train 32 graduate students in high-energy physics instrumentation.
Oct 8, 2021, 12:03 PM
Dr. Emilija Pantic's lab has won the College of Letters and Science Lab Safety award.
Oct 7, 2021, 8:21 AM
John Rundle and colleagues were recently invited to contribute to the prestigious physics journal Reports on Progress in Physics on their work in earthquake forecasting and nowcasting. Charles…
Oct 5, 2021, 1:47 PM
Many types of astronomical observations show decisively that most of the mass in the Universe is of an unknown form, unlike ordinary matter. This "dark matter" fills the universe and clumps over…
Sep 23, 2021, 8:59 AM
Professor Laura Greene, who visited the UC Davis Physics Department as a Distinguished Lecturer in 2018, has been appointed to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).
Sep 1, 2021, 11:11 AM
Thursday September 2nd will see the first attempt at delivery of a payload into orbit by Austin, Texas-based company Firefly. UC Davis alumnus Roderic Vanderscoff ’14 has led the design, development,…
Jul 9, 2021, 4:42 PM
Congratulations to our 2020-21 graduates! Despite the unusual circumstances created by the global COVID-19 pandemic, our students persevered and completed their studies.
Jul 2, 2021, 4:40 PM
We (Rena Zieve and Lloyd Knox) are delighted to report that we appear to have met our goal! According to our unofficial tally, we have, together as a department, given or pledged to give, $215K. Our…
Jul 1, 2021, 4:38 PM
An international team including UC Davis astronomers has observed the first example of a new type of supernova. The discovery, confirming a prediction made four decades ago, could lead to new insights…
Jun 23, 2021, 4:36 PM
According to our unofficial total of gifts and pledges to the Opportunity Fellowship Fund we need just over $20K more to reach our goal of raising $200K from department members by the July 1 deadline.…

Published: February 18, 2015, 9:05 am