Asteroid (179223) Tonytyson was identified in 2001 at Apache Point - Sloan Digital Sky Survey. It is in a circular orbit beyond Mars. From its color it appears to be a Carbonaceous taxonomic type, and fairly large, about 4km:
Per Professor Tyson, there is "No danger of striking Earth!"
The upcoming Rubin Observatory ten-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time
(LSST) will find millions of asteroids, and will get orbits for most of the remaining Earth threatening asteroids:
Rubin Observatory LSST, ranked as the nation's top priority ground-based facility in the 2010 NAS Decadal Survey of Astronomy and Astrophysics, will be capable of early detection as well as orbit determination. The warning time before impact depends on the asteroid's size, its orbit, and the cadence and sensitivity of the observing system. For 45m objects, the LSST warning time would be about 1-3 months, depending on their orbits. Note that the telescope would also detect such an object during three prior close approaches. As an example of a very different hazardous object—the 3 km large comet C/1996 B2 Hyakutake, which passed within 0.10 AU from Earth in 1996, Rubin Observatory could provide a warning time of 8 years, with over 500 observations over that period.
Read more on the details of the (0179223) Tonytyson asteroid at The International Astronomical Union Minor Planet Center
Professor Tyson is Chief Scientist with the Rubin Observatory LSST and served as LSST Director from 2003 to 2013.
UC Davis College of Letters and Science news article.
Published: February 24, 2022, 10:50 am