Tutoring Resources

Having trouble with your PHY or AST courses? Several campus and student organized resources are available offering tutoring assistance for both lower and upper division physics courses:

Drop-in tutoring sessions and math/science workshops at the Academic Success Center Academic Assistance and Tutoring Center (AATC)

Included among the many services offered at AATC

ASC AATC drop-In tutoring in Shields Library and 
individual tutoring appointments (https://tutoring.ucdavis.edu/ )

ASC AATC Math (https://tutoring.ucdavis.edu/) and 
Physics (https://tutoring.ucdavis.edu/) Workshops and Co-classes

Free tutoring sessions in the Physics Study Room

Organized and managed by the Physics Club of UC Davis, free tutoring assistance for most lower division PHY courses can be found in the Physics Study Room (Physics Bldg. room 388).

A schedule of the current tutoring sessions can be found HERE

Paid tutoring services

Offered primarily by our graduate students. Private, hourly tutoring services are available on a pay-per-hour basis offering assistance with physics courses in addition to other STEM topics.

A roster of our current tutors for hire can be found HERE

The H-Bar 

A Physics Discussion Space and Snack Bar

H-Bar Homework Help Sessions

The physics department is continuing an activity called the "H(elp)-Bar" which serves as a physics discussion space. The H-Bar is a safe, non-judgmental and non-competitive space for physics students to receive help with their coursework from their peers and graduate student volunteers.

Physics is a very collaborative field, and H-Bar is a great place to get to know other students in your courses and solve problems together. Beyond physics course help, H-Bar is a good place to ask about undergraduate research, graduate school, or other physics-related topics. All students in physics courses or interested in physics are welcome! Free snacks will be available!

Questions can be directed to the H-Bar TA, Lotte Borkowski (lborkowski@ucdavis.edu).

Spring 2024 Schedule:

H-bar will be in Phy 185 on Tuesdays 4:00-6:00 pm and in Phy 285 on Thursdays 5:00-7:00 pm, starting on Tuesday 04/9/2024.

TA Schedule:

Tuesday (Room 185):

  • 4:00-5:00
    • Frank Gonzalez (129A)
    • Blanca Nino (108)
    • DeAngelo Wooley (105A/B)
  • 5:00-6:00
    • DeAngelo Wooley (105A/B)
    • Aaron Elersich (130B)

Thursday (Room 285):

  • 5:00-6:00 
    • Umut Oktem (104A)
    • Ilija Rakic (110B)
  • 6:00-7:00 
    • George Issa (140B)
    • Siddharth Vednerkar (110B)
    • Victoria Norman (104A)

All Physics Students are welcome!


Free coffee & snacks!

Photos of the H-Bar