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Eric Prebys and collaborators receive $2.5 million to support particle accelerator research

Eric Prebys, Professor of Physics and Director of the UC Davis Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, is leading a project to develop a new tool based on synthetic diamond semiconductors that will be used to evaluate the performance of particle accelerators and X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers, known as XFELs. Collaborating institutions for the advanced detectors project include UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. "This project leverages the unique expertise at each of the collaborating universities and labs, particularly the expertise in diamond detector development at Los Alamos" said Prebys. "I'm very excited to be working with these institutions and this group of collaborators."


"Bad News Bosons" featured in USA Softball News

Softball team “Bad News Bosons,” which has a long history with members of the Physics Department, recently won a tournament in Sacramento that consisted of league winners from all over the greater Sacramento area.


New Measurements of the Rate of Universe Expansion

Graduate student Geoff Chen, Professor Chris Fassnacht, and colleagues published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society describing their work on estimating the Hubble constant.


Gong Chen Wins the LBL 2019 NanoArt Image Contest

Dr. Gong Chen, Project Scientist in the UC Davis Physics Department, submitted his Spin polarized LEEM image to the Molecular Foundry nanoscience research facility at Berkeley Lab as part of their National Nano Day celebration.


Grad Diversity and Inclusion in Physics weekly meetings for Fall 2019

Diversity and Inclusion in Physics, or DIP, is an organization of graduate students committed to creating a safe and inclusive work environment and discussion forum. Our meetings are a way to participate in active and reflective discussions and events that address diversity, inclusion, social justice, race, and equity issues.


Andrew Wetzel's Work Featured in PNAS Article on Simulations of Galaxy Formation

The work of Professor Andrew Wetzel, UC Davis Hellman Fellow 2019, was featured in a PNAS article on simulations of galaxy formation, aimed at the general public.


Professor Calderon de la Barca Sanchez - Melting Protons at CERN

Melting Protons at CERN, Professor Calderon de la Barca Sanchez’s research featured on the UC Davis curiosity news site.


Professor Chertok - CMS Detector Mechanics

Professor Maxwell Chertok and other researchers at UC Davis are testing mechanical structures at the McClellan Nuclear Research Center to find a material that will be able to withstand the radiation environment of the Large Hadron Collider.