
Undergraduate Physics Program

Undergraduate physics at UC Davis is an exciting experience. The introductory series, especially the 9 Honors series, reveal the beauty of the core topics in a cohesive and compelling way. Then the junior and senior courses concentrate on deeper understanding and application. Students form invaluable bonds with their peers and with faculty, and engaged students find plentiful opportunities for research involvement, often arising in the sophomore year or even earlier. Our students find that the resources, support and opportunities available at UCD Physics provide superb preparation for further study in top graduate schools and for careers in all fields of modern technology. Make sure you visit the Undergraduate Education pages.

Undergraduate Program Contacts

Amy Folz

Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Office: 174A Physics
Office Hours: TW 1-3, In person and Remote, and Thursday 1-3 remote only.

Summer Drop-In Advising Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday 1-3pm ( In person and remote) Thursdays 1-3 pm (remote only)
Drop-In Zoom Link:

Phone: (530) 752-4092

Michael Mulhearn

Vice Chair of Administration and Undergrad Affairs
Office: 317 Physics
Phone: (530) 754-7226

Graduate Physics Program

The UC Davis Department of Physics provides a dynamic and diverse environment for the training of graduate students. With our three core research areas of condensed matter, high energy physics, and cosmology and smaller programs in nuclear physics, high energy astrophysics, computational science and physics education, the opportunities for the motivated student are almost endless. Our graduate students go on to prestigious postdoctoral positions and excellent industry placements. Continue to the Graduate Program information pages.

Graduate Program Contacts

Lenna Crabbe-Charlesworth

Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: 174C Physics
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
Phone: 530-752-1501

Rajiv Singh

Vice Chair, Graduate Matters
Office: 425 Physics