Professor, Computer Science and Mechanical and Aerospace Engr
Phone: (530) 754-8405
Email: rmdsouza@ucdavis.edu
Personal Professional Website:
Research Areas
Career History
- 1999, PhD in Statistical Physics, MIT, for work done jointly in the Lab for Computer Science
- 1999-2002, Postdoctoral Fellow, Bell Labs: Math Center and Theoretical Physics Groups
- 2002-2005, Postdoctoral Fellow, Microsoft Research: Theory Group
- 2005 - 6/2008, Assistant Professor, UC Davis. Joined GGCS 2005, GGAM 2007
- 7/2008 - 6/2014, Associate Professor, UC Davis
- 2007 - present, External Professor, Santa Fe Institute
- 7/2014 onwards, Professor, UC Davis
- Kavli Fellow, National Academy of Sciences USA: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011
- Inaugural Member, Global Young Academy, InterAcademy Panel, 2010-2014
- Winner, ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ICSE 2013
- Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, Class of 2016
- 2017 UC Davis College of Engineering, Outstanding Mid-Career Faculty Research Award
- Test of Time Award at FSE/ICSE 2018 for paper with most lasting impact from FSE/ICSE 2008
- 2019 Euler Prize (Inaugural recipient), Network Science Society
- Elected Fellow of the Network Science Society, Class of 2019