Office: 3031 Physical and Data Sciences Building
Phone: +1 (530)554-1280
Fax: +1 (530) 752-4717
Email: maluty@ucdavis.edu
Personal Professional Website:
Research Interests:
Professor Markus Luty joined the UCD faculty in 2007. His research is in the area of theoretical particle physics and cosmology. Primary areas of interest are supersymmetric models, new strong dynamics, and dark matter. His impact on the field can be gauged from the fact that his 74 publications in the field have over 4,900 citations.
His current research is driven by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the highest energy particle collider in the world, currently operating near Geneva Switzerland. The LHC is the first direct experimental probe of the Terascale, the physics of elementary particle interactions with energies of order TeV (about 1000 times the proton mass energy). The physics that can be tested at the LHC is extremely rich, including the breaking of electroweak symmetry and generation of mass for elementary particles, as well as the prime candidate for the origin of dark matter.
Professor Luty's recent work focusses on possible signals for new physics at the LHC. In some cases, he works closely with particle experimentalists on actual searches. The main thrust of his current research is on theories where electroweak symmetry breaking is driven by strongly-interacting conformal (scale-invariant) dynamics. Other areas of current interest are the LHC signals of supersymmetric models and dark matter.
Research Areas
Career History
- PhD, University of Chicago 1991
- Postdoctoral researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1991-1994
- Postdoctoral researcher, MIT 1994-1995
- Assistant professor, University of Maryland 1996-2001
- Associate professor, University of Maryland 2001-2005
- Professor, University of Maryland 2005-2007
- Professor, University of Maryland 2005-2007
- J. Hans D. Jensen Award, 2010
- Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1997-1998