Office: 311 Physics Building
Phone: +1 (530) 754-7639
Fax: +1 (530) 752-4717
Email: jsconway@ucdavis.edu
Personal Professional Website:
Research Interests:
Prof. Conway joined the Davis faculty in 2004. He is an experimental high energy particle physicist, and is presently engaged in two large experiments: CDF at the Fermilab Tevatron in Batavia, Illinois, and CMS at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. His main interest is the search for new particles at these high energy hadron colliders, including the search for the Higgs boson and new heavy quarks. With the new large data samples at both experiments, discoveries may happen very soon.
Prof. Conway is the principal investigator for the collider physics group at Davis, which comprises over 25 active researchers (faculty, senior researchers, postdocs, and graduate students), funded by the US Department of Energy.
Research Areas
Career History
- Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1987
- Research Associate, University of Wisconsin, 1987-1992
- Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, 1993-1999
- Associate Professor, Rutgers University, 1999-2004
- Associate Professor, University of California, Davis, 2004-Present
- Teaching Award, Rutgers Society of Physics Students, 1998.
- Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2008
- European Physical Society High Energy and Particle Physics Prize, for an outstanding contribution to High Energy Physics, awarded to the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, “for the discovery of a Higgs boson, as predicted by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanismâ€.
- 2019 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize of the EPS for an outstanding contribution to High Energy Physics, awarded to the CDF and D0 Collaborations, for the discovery of the top quark and the detailed measurement of its properties.