The idea for this group emerged out of the UC-CSU summit
meeting at Irvine in April 2009. It is a bottom up effort with members
volunteering their time for this project. Our goals:
1. Establish strong contacts between CPAPC faculty at the UCs and their
counterparts at the CSUs.
2. With the aid of these contacts, identify underrepresented minority
(URM) physics majors in their
junior year and mentor them towards applying for PhD programs at UC.
The mentorship will be an year-round effort, not limited to just
summers. Ideally, one student will be paired with one faculty.
Activities would include providing research opportunities, giving
seminars at campuses, organizing workshops, advising on application
preparation etc.
3. Maintain this website with information on opportunities
for undergrad research and graduate programs.
4. Once the student moves on to graduate studies at a UC, continue the
mentoring/advising role. Our goal is to guide approximately 5 URM
students per year per UC campus through the entire process.
5. Continue seeking and securing extramural funding in support of this